Looking to grow in your understanding of what Scripture teaches about God’s design for women? These are my top 5 best books on biblical womanhood. These books have shaped and helped me grow in my understanding of the Word and broadened my vision for what my role is as a woman in God’s kingdom. Read on for the titles!

Why does biblical womanhood matter?
What does it mean to be a Christian woman in today’s world? The truth of who a woman really is is being skewed among those who seek to thwart God’s design. If Johnny across the street is just as capable of being a woman as you are, what is it about your womanhood that is distinctive and unique? In other words, why does your womanhood matter? What did God intend when he designed women?
Beyond the questions of God’s design for women are also the questions about how to grow spiritually in the roles that God has given us as women. The Lord’s vision for us is so vast and beautiful, ladies! But it also requires that we put our shoulder to wheel day after day in work that is often tedious and selfless. And this is not possible without learning to lean on the Lord for continual strength through prayer and feeding on His Word. But also having access to the wisdom of other Christian women through their writings is also a huge blessing!
Reading for wisdom, encouragement, and growth in godliness
It is crucial for us as women to continually remind ourselves of what Scripture teaches and dive deeper into our understanding of biblical womanhood. We need to be first and foremost fed by the Word. But we also need to hear from our sisters in the Lord who have gone before us! From these women we can gain such wisdom to grow further in godliness. I generally try to read at least one book on this subject a year. Reading the words of other Christian women keeps me encouraged to keep on faithfully with the tasks the Lord has given me. It nurtures my faith and broadens my vision for the great work that we’ve been called to do. And it will do the same for you, ladies!
I consider these to be the best books on biblical womanhood.
1. (A)typical Woman: Free, Whole, and Called in Christ by Abigail Dodds
This is quite possibly my favorite book on the list. Beautifully written, this book covers what it means to be a Christian woman and offers a whole lot of encouragement and conviction. Abigail Dodds (mother of 5 and author of Bread of Life, which is also SO GOOD) brings a healthy and balanced look at biblical womanhood, looking at the pitfalls of secular ideas of womanhood as well as legalistic tendencies. This will definitely be one that I visit again and again through the years.
2. Eve in Exile and the Restoration of Femininity by Rebekah Merkle
Are women limited in their calling as homemakers? Or is that just an excuse used by the world to diminish the potential of women in their God-given role? Rebekah Merkle tackles the history of feminism and how it has attempted to destroy the broad possibilities for growth that women are capable of in their role as homemakers. This book really challenged me in many ways! I realized how limited my own vision of femininity was and the possibilities of what it can really look like. Prepare to be enlightened and inspired by this one.
3. Disciplines of a Godly Woman by Barbara Hughes
What do you think of when you think of discipline? Barbara tells us in this book that “The true heart of discipline is relationship – a relationship with God.” (pg.14) She beautifully unpacks the various disciplines of soul, character, relationships, ministry, and grace, with the Gospel at the heart of it all. I especially love the resources she includes in the back of the book: a recommended reading list, a calendar for daily Scripture reading, hymns for your devotional time, and more.
4. Let Me Be a Woman by Elisabeth Elliot
Published as a series of letters written to her daughter, Elisabeth Elliot shares her thoughts and experiences on what it means to be a Christian woman. This book was a beautiful reminder to me that our mentors in the faith are not always people that we know personally. Elisabeth Elliot is that kind of a mentor for me.
5. Virtuous: A Study for Ladies of Every Age by Nancy Wilson
This is short and sweet read, full of Scriptural wisdom. Nancy offers a practical look at a variety of feminine traits and gives sound advice for women, young and old, encouraging them to glorify God in whatever circumstances they find themselves in. This works well as a devotional and I’ve heard of many using it in study groups as well.

Have you read any of these books yet? What did you think of what you read? I just finished (A)typical Woman by Abigail Dodds as my yearly read on biblical womanhood and am excited to look for next year’s read! Do you have any recommendations for me in this subject?
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