The Bookwise Mom is a place for moms to find the best books for their homeschool and be inspired as she cultivates her heart and mind through her own reading life. I hope you’ll find encouragement here as you dig deeper into the world of books and pursue your own education through great reading alongside your children.
My husband, Michael, and I are 2nd-generation homeschoolers and have 6 children (all boys!) ranging from 7th grade down to toddlers.
Looking back at my own experience as a homeschooler, I found that it wasn’t through expensive curriculum that I learned the most. My real education came from reading really great books. And I’ve found this to be true for my kids as well!
I know how tempting all of the beautiful curriculum is. Don’t get me wrong, I still love using formal lesson plans for our homeschool! But what I always come back to is that a really solid education comes when your child truly cares about what he is learning. And most of the time, this happens when they are given a feast of wonderful living books and great classic literature.
It also happens when we, as moms, are actively invested in our own reading lives! Nothing, in my opinion, is more contagious than sharing a love of books and reading alongside our children.
I hope that your visit here will encourage and motivate you as you seek out new reading for yourself as well as for your children!